Monday, March 16, 2009

Ruth 3

Verse 11, “And now, may daughter, don’t be afraid, I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.”

Character is always important. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your station in life is – your character matters. Ruth is known as a woman of noble character. Everyone knows it. It shines bright.

I want to be known as a man after God’s own heart, a man of noble character. That means that the things I do and the things I say are always on display before people and God. If I want to make a difference in the Kingdom of God then it begins with me – my day-to-day activities, the small things that are a part of my life that must demonstrate where my heart is. Anyone can do it for a day or two; I want to do it for a lifetime.