Monday, January 2, 2012

Book #1 - Jesus' Model for Growing Healthy Leaders

A few years ago I tracked my book reading by posting each book and a short review or thoughts on each one.  I am doing that again in 2012.  Here's my first book of the year...

Jesus' Model for Growing Healthy Leaders by Mike Breen with Steve Woods

As far as I know this is only available by pdf download.  If you only read books that have paper and ink, then you won't be reading this one.  But if you do read ebooks, then this is a great little book that is free.

Mike takes the reader through the development process of a disciple and leader...
  • I do, you watch
  • I do, you help
  • You do, I help
  • You do, I watch
This is a practical, easy read for leaders, teachers, parents, anyone really who is looking for a model of growing in a healthy way.  The one missing element for me, which is probably inherently in this process but I like to make it more clearly articulated, is adding a step in the process at the end - you do, someone else watches.