Monday, May 21, 2007

Observations from This Past Weekend

Saturday night before worship I was pacing around. I was nervous. I have been nervous for both of the messages in this series so far. The first week because I knew that what I was going to say would be very emotional and I knew that what I would be saying had been the culmination of weeks of prayer and study. The nervousness I felt the first week was more excitement for what I believed God would do through that message.

This week I was nervous because I was stepping into people's living rooms and asking them what influence the media that entered their homes was having on their children, on their marriage, on the way they do life with Jesus. Most people don't want you to mess with their TV.

I have to admit that I was blown away by the way that people responded. I expected to see arms crossed, people drawing on their worship folders, or just getting up and leaving. I couldn't believe it, but just about everyone was totally dialed in to what I was saying.

I didn't tell people to go throw away their TV sets, or to never go to the movies again, or to cancel their Internet subscription. Instead, I challenged the people of Charter Oak Church to start thinking theologically about what they were allowing in to their homes. What is it doing to the way that their daughters look at themselves? What is it doing to the way their sons will look at their dates? What is it doing to the depth of love between husbands and wives?

I hope and pray that the message this past weekend will lead to some great conversations between parents and kids about what they are watching and how it is influencing them.


Renaye said...

You did a great job, Chris! We all need to hear that message.

Keith H. McIlwain said...

Always trust the Amish.

Anonymous said...

After the service I was trying to reason out at home what I was supposed to do with the sermon.

After all, I'm not married and I don't have kids!

Although if the charge is to try and be more discerning, I can accept that. I've not been able to figure out how to treat the television, whether I should just avoid the bad parts of a show or avoid a show for its bad parts.

Chris Whitehead said...


When I was a new follower of Jesus, I put tv shows through the grandma test. Would I watch the show with my grandmother? I used her biblical worldview to help me make decisions that I was unsure of.

What I am praying will happen for people in your situation and similar to it, single and spiritually mature, is that you will not just watch tv, a film, or surf the net mindlessly. Instead you will ask yourself some tough questions as to why you are watching it and how it is forming your faith and your relationship with Jesus.

I think there are some wacked out shows and movies that are available, but watching them in the community of believers you are doing life together with will lead to some great conversations and together your community will grow closer to God and each other.