Friday, April 24, 2009

John Maxwell's New Book

The Right and Wrong Picture of a Dream

I’ve studied successful people for almost forty years. I’ve known hundreds of high-profile people who achieved big dreams. And I’ve achieved a few dreams of my own. What I’ve discovered is that a lot of people have misconceptions about dreams. Take a look at many of the things that people pursue and call dreams in their lives:

  • Day Dreams - Distractions from Current Work
  • Pie-in-the-Sky Dreams - Wild Ideas with No Strategy or Basis in Reality
  • Bad Dreams - Worries that Breed Fear and Paralysis
  • Idealistic Dreams - The Way the World Would Be If You Were in Charge
  • Vicarious Dreams - Dreams Lived Through Others
  • Romantic Dreams - Belief that Some Person Will Make You Happy
  • Career Dreams - Belief that Career Success Will Make You Happy
  • Destination Dreams - Belief that a Position, Title, or Award Will Make You Happy
  • Material Dreams - Belief that Wealth or Possessions Will Make You Happy
  • Seasonal Dreams - A Short Term Target You Try to Reach

If these aren’t good dreams-valid ones worthy of a person’s life-then what are? Here is my definition of a dream that can be put to the test and pass: a dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.

A genuine dream is a picture and blueprint of a person’s purpose and potential. Or as my friend Sharon Hull says, “A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose.”