Friday, May 2, 2008

Question #6 - Ministry

I am continuing to answer the questions that Craig Groeschel posed on 10 questions each leader should ask in several different areas of life. I am tackling the questions on ministry first.

Question #6 - Have I repented to my team at least once in the last year for a failure in leadership?

Did I mention that these questions are getting harder and harder? One of the things that I have been really working on lately is being pruned (John 15) by God of all the things, activities, and sins that God wants to remove from my life. Some people call this being broken. Whatever you want to call it, it is difficult and often very painful.

I think the power of this question is that it is done in community with the people you do life with as a leader. Yes, I can and do repent of my sins everyday. I walk in God's grace and forgiveness. Our faith is a personal faith, but it was never intended to be private. When I get vulnerable with my team I am opening myself up to being held accountable to the ways of Jesus. I will only be as strong as I am willing to be open and honest. This also includes having a very high level of trust within the team. If I repent of something, then I have made myself vulnerable to their thoughts and even their words to me or to others. But I also open myself up to their prayers, their encouragement, and their love. That's right where I want and need to be.

Please pray with me that as leaders we will build teams that has a foundation of trust, love, and accountability.