This past weekend was one of those weekends that reminds me of why I do what I do.
The weekend began with tons of people showing up on Saturday morning to put the servant's towel over their arm and live beyond themselves. There were so many projects that we cared for through the day. We now have over 125 people receiving food through the Food Bank. There is something special about watching disciples of Jesus get into the dirt and love doing it.
Then we worshipped God at all four of our worship services as we concluded our Unlocking the Future capital stewardship program. On Saturday night while we were inside worshipping, a team of people were setting up for a huge BBQ and movie night in a monster size tent. When the rain stopped and the sun came out one of our volunteers snapped this picture of a rainbow over Charter Oak Church at about the time people were coming forward to present God with their commitment cards. Incredible!
Throughout the weekend worship services I saw young and old and everyone in between come forward trusting God to move in their lives in dramatic ways. As I watched tears of joy streamed down my face as I saw the Body of Christ at her best. It hit me at the 11:00 worship service in a very profound way - this is a defining moment for us. I also thought of something else at that moment - we said at each of the worship services that if there were any first time guests that they should come back next week when we aren't going to be talking about money. I realized that what was happening in the life of our church didn't have anything to do with money at all. This weekend was all about faithful obedience to what God was doing in and through the people of God. When we live as disciples of Jesus, people who are first time guests and people who are not here yet will be drawn to God.
It was an incredible time of worship for us all. The applause of heaven was thunderous. Way to go Charter Oak Church. God received the glory, honor, and praise He deserves.
Thank you for posting that picture. God's covenant rainbow has showed up at least 4 times in my life when I needed or didn't even realize that I needed God's sign of His presence in my life. I also want to thank the pastors of COC for their obedience to God in presenting us this message and not allowing us to settle for an uncommitted life with Christ. You continually stretch me out of my comfort zone and I will be eternally grateful to you for caring so much about me to make me do it.
That's an awesome picture! Glad to see things moving forward at COC! I always wrestle with what to do with first time visitors when I preach on money as well, because I don't want them to get the impression that that's all we're about. Nice to see God working in your church.
Sometimes God just needs to show up in a very real way to remind us that He is the one in charge. I love it when He does that and confirms what we are doing.
i think the rainbow is a sign you should welcome gays.
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