Monday, January 29, 2007

Book #3 - The E Myth Revisited

While I was on vacation I finished my third book for 2007 - The E Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber. I originally placed this book on my reading list because so many leaders that I follow highly recommended it. Now I know why. I read the book through the lens of the church. Where it talked about small business I inserted the church. Wow, why most churches don't work and what to do about it. Now that's something that all church leaders should be getting into.

I loved the section on the Business Development Process of innovation, quantification, and orchestration. That alone was worth the price of the book. Then he laid out a great explanation of the strategic objective. All too often the church just lives day by day.

There was just so much information found in this book. I would highly recommend the book for church leaders and for small business owners.


UK said...

The best way, he says, to think of this is to imagine if you had to "franchise" your business. Is the way you're doing things systematic enough that it can be replicated all over the country? In reality, of course, the odds that you WILL franchise your business are negligible, but the same method of thinking will allow you to:
...expand your business to include more employees
...allow you to go on VACATION with a free and easy conscience
....allow someone else to pick up the slack if you fall ill.