This past weekend Pastor Dave continued his sermon series The Enemy Within by talking about bitterness. The total package of this weekend was phenomenal. Everything just clicked in together all building together to the message of letting go of the heavy weight of bitterness that people carry around with them every day.
We often do a funny drama to set the stage for the message. This weekend we did a very serious one that spoke about the bitterness in a marriage when someone has been unfaithful. At all of the worship services people didn't know whether to clap or not. It disturbed us - just what we needed to get our mind and heart focused on what God wanted to say.
I loved it when Pastor Dave said that forgiveness is available to everyone, God's grace is waiting with open arms to embrace you right where you are. Then he invited people to come forward and turn over all of their bitterness to God. Lives were changed for eternity this past weekend for sure. People dealt with junk that they have been nursing for a long time. They let it go so they could jump into the everlasting arms of Jesus and join God in His work.
If you are one of those people who didn't get out of your seat but you know that God was knocking on your heart to get rid of the bitterness, it isn't too late. Take the time right now, right where you are and turn it all over to God and ask for His healing. You will never be able to be all that God wants you to be until you let go of all of that weight taxing you.
If you are one of the people who did go forward, way to go!! That's so awesome. I want to challenge you to tell someone about the work that God did in you. Let your story help someone else have the opportunity to experience the grace and love of Jesus. God wants to redeem your pain by using it to display His power and mercy to someone who doesn't know Him or who has walked away from Him. Ask God to show you someone this week.
You belong to Jesus - He is all you need.