Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Celebrate Recovery - Day 1 Overview

Celebrate Recovery Summit kicked off with some great worship and the testimony of the pastor of Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback Community Church. Henry Cloud spoke at the first session. This guy is an incredible communicator. After lunch, Rick Warren showed up "unexpectedly" and spoke for over an hour. Rick was so transparent about his own journey of recovery. I never expected him to be so open and truthful. It was very inspiring.

Right now I am sitting in a brand new component of Celebrate Recovery - Celebrating Pastors in Recovery. Holy cow!! Pastors actually getting together to work on their hurts, habits, and hangups! Dang! The possibility of actually doing this at Charter Oak Church for the pastors of our region gives me goose bumps.

I'm going to stop now and actually listen. During our next break I will try to blog more fully on the first three sessions.

One final word, the Saddleback Campus is beyond anything I could have imagined. More later...


Tom Beagan said...

My visit to Saddleback is exactly why I knew that if we ever had parking lot attendants I wanted to be one. That is why I love being on the First Impressions Team. By the way, great video sheriff.

Randy Roda said...

Good deal Chris. I have read about this program and I think it is awesome. I'm currently trying to build a recovery group for folks with depression.