Monday, August 27, 2007
One Year Announcement from This Weekend
It’s been one year. It’s been one awesome year for the people of Charter Oak Church. It was one year ago this weekend that we moved into our current building. But you know what? It has never been about the building, it has always been about the people. What you just witnessed is a very small snap shot of our year in review. You caught glimpses of lives who have been touched by the love of Jesus. The words that Bishop Bickerton spoke a year ago continue to ring in our ears – people matter to God.
In the video you saw people of all ages and in all stations of life. We are in the people business – pointing people back to a relationship with God through Jesus. That is what drives our decision making process around here. It is why God choose to put the people of Charter Oak Church on this hillside for such a time as this.
The bishop was also correct – we have not arrived. A year ago we took our first steps into this building. We have grown a lot – both spiritually and numerically. And now we are beginning to take our next steps. That’s what we said would be our focus in 2007 – taking our next steps in our growing relationship with Jesus. No matter who you are there is a next step for you as you seek to become more like Jesus.
When we began the process in 1996 of listening to God’s vision for the future of Charter Oak Church, we knew that the fulfillment of that vision would take many building phases. We are ready for our next step at Charter Oak Church. I am here today to announce to you that we are putting into motion phase two of our multi-phase building project.
We have nearly ten acres of land that God has providentially placed under our stewardship.
As we narrow our focus on phase one, you can see our current building. On the upper level we have the Christian Life Center, Administrative Wing, Frye Chapel, the Rush Room for students, and a variety of classrooms. On the lower level we have many classrooms for children’s ministry. Guess what? We are running out of space. We have more and more children and youth wanting to know about the love of Jesus. They need a place to learn. We have adults who are finding their way back to God and need a place to grow. We have engaged couples seeking a special place for their wedding. We have families who want their love one memorialized in a larger traditional space.
Because of the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the realization of the demands on our current building, we are moving forward with phase two.
Phase two will complete the two side wings that face Frye Farm Road. The east side wing on the upper level will accomplish two purposes – a larger chapel and a larger connecting area. The east side wing on the lower level will bring more children’s classroom space. The west side wing will expand the Administrative Wing with more office space.
The completion of these two wings is absolutely critical because of the design of the Worship Center.
Phase three will complete the Worship Center.
Will there be a phase 4 or phase 5 or beyond? The bishop said that he hopes so. What the leadership of Charter Oak Church commits to you is that we will seek the face of God and will do our very best to be obedient to His will.
Are you ready for year two? We are. We are also ready to start the process of making phase two a reality. On July 17th the District Superintendent and Charge Conference approved our new building team and have set their course to begin the next step in our journey toward the fulfillment of all that God wants to do in and through each of us at Charter Oak Church.
Year one was awesome…the best is yet to come.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Soccer Begins Today
Coaching gives me an opportunity to work on my ability to bring the best out of people. Every player is different. I should never treat every player the same. Some need more coaching, some need to have more encouragement, some need to be inspired. Each one is different, just like at Charter Oak Church. There is no way I can treat everyone the same. Coaching soccer helps remind me of the importance of how I treat each person.
One of my favorite authors is Patrick Lencioni. He has a new book that was released this past weekend. The reason I bring him up now is because he is also a soccer coach. Here are a couple of posts that he has on his website about his coaching. It is really good stuff.
Let's go Latrobe!
Home Again
Friday, August 17, 2007
Flying Home
So I am posting this request now, will you pray for me? I am hoping to be able to move up to first class so I can sleep on the plane or at least sit in the emergency exit aisle. I want to be completely energized and focused as I stand before God and the people of Charter Oak Church this weekend. So I am asking you to surround me in prayer over the next 24+ hours.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thoughts on the Saddleback Church Campus
They have a ton of classrooms that are all modular. It looks like they just throw them up whenever they need more space. There are a couple of large tents. Now when I write tents, these things seat about 1,000 people, they have a/c and heat, they have a stage, sound system, and lights. The largest one is used by the student ministry.
They are currently building a brand new student ministry building. None of the buildings are connected. Each one has its focus. There is an incredible three story children's ministry building. Each floor has a large group worship/teaching room for different age groups - 1st floor - first and second grades, 2nd floor - third and four grades, and 3rd floor - fifth and sixth grades.
There is also an administrative building that I was told was the original worship space that has been converted to offices. I haven't been in that building. There is also a nursery building dedicated to very small children and babies.
The grounds are extremely incredible. There is a man made creek that runs along the main side walk to the worship center that is fed by a waterfall that runs between the double set of stairs that leads up to the worship center. Did they have to build this? No, but they have created an outside environment that draws people to stay and building relationships with people. There are three different baptismal pools that are beautifully designed. There are paths that are carved out of the landscape for people to walk along.
I was very surprised how far you have to walk to get from the parking lot to the worship center and other buildings. The administrative building is almost a mile from the worship center. This place is huge and they are building more with plans for more. It is obvious that the buildings that they build that they label permanent is done at the highest level of creativity and excellence. The buildings that are not permanent are cheap and serve the purpose for that time.
There is a definite strategic plan for what they are building and when they will do it. It helps them to keep their eyes focused on the main thing. The campus serves the work of making disciples of Jesus. The point isn't the campus, it's Jesus. Good, good stuff.
Celebrate Recovery - Day 2 Overview
Today we heard a little bit about the youth and children's version of Celebrate Recovery - Life Hurts -G.O.D. H.E.A.L.S. Of course it is another acrostic, but if it works, I guess Saddleback believes you keep using it. This looks like an incredible ministry opportunity.
Then we heard from John Townsend - the guy who wrote the Boundaries books. He talked about hope and moving from defensive hope to genuine hope. Having genuine hope is one of the greatest aspect for healing in our lives. Great communicator.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Celebrate Recovery - Day 1 Overview
Right now I am sitting in a brand new component of Celebrate Recovery - Celebrating Pastors in Recovery. Holy cow!! Pastors actually getting together to work on their hurts, habits, and hangups! Dang! The possibility of actually doing this at Charter Oak Church for the pastors of our region gives me goose bumps.
I'm going to stop now and actually listen. During our next break I will try to blog more fully on the first three sessions.
One final word, the Saddleback Campus is beyond anything I could have imagined. More later...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Next Sermon Series

I am starting a new series on character this weekend. As followers of Jesus our character matters. The things we say and the things we do will either attract people to a relationship with God through Jesus or repel them.
There are caricatures of the Charter Oak Church staff hanging throughout our building. We will have an artist here throughout the weekend drawing caricatures of people from our congregation. This looks to be a very fun learning time for all of us. I hope that you will find a way to carve out some time at the end of your summer to be in worship throughout this three week series.
My Wife Is Always Right
Monday, August 13, 2007
Leaving for Los Angles

I leave tomorrow for Los Angles. This is a picture of the plane I will be taking. Do you remember all of the video footage that was shown when this plane "safely" landed at LAX a few months ago? That's my flight!
I am going with a group of eight leaders from Charter Oak Church to Saddleback Community Church for the Celebrate Recovery Conference.
I have never been to LA. I hope to rub elbows with members of the LA Galaxy soccer team, especially David Beckham. I'm sure he will make some time for me.
Soccer Camp

A week of soccer camp! (I am on the far left, fourth one in - no hair.)
Part of the things I do in order to be faithful to God's call on my life is to develop as many relationships with people in this region as I can.
The number one way I do that is through coaching soccer. God has opened some incredible doors for me to meet people. I don't ever want to be one of those leaders who stays in his office and never really connects with anyone outside the walls of the church.
What are you doing to meet people in this region and develop relationships with them, so that when God prompts you by the power of the Holy Spirit, you can have a spiritual conversation with them? For me, it's about loving people right where they are, not being a preacher, but a follower of Jesus.
There is a reason why God gave us the gift of the Sabbath.
Book #15 - God's Gravity: The Upside Down Life of Selfless Faith
One of the things I really liked about this book was that Craig didn't just call people a bunch of jerks for the way they live. He gives the evidence and then he actually partners with the reader to help the reader to be a part of the solution and not just the problem. Good stuff.
I am trying to read and listen to podcasts as much as I can on what it means to be "green." The more I learn, the more I am feeling compelled to live differently and to lead the staff and people of Charter Oak Church to live in such a way that it leaves a smaller footprint. It has to start with me and my family first. Kelli is way, way ahead of me on this. She was a Greenpeace supporter long before it was cool.