Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tracking What's Important

This morning I received an email from They have some book suggestions for me, just in case I want to make an order any time soon. They don't just randomly throw a handful of books at me. They don't just send me a list of what's on the best seller list. What they do is track what I have purchased in the past. Then they put my name together with all of the other people's names who have purchased that same book. Then they look for a pattern. If the same people who bought this one book also bought another book, then there must be some kind of connection between those people. So Amazon sent me a list of books that I might be interested in based on my previous purchases and the link made to people who also made those same book buys.

This makes me wonder about the connection for the church. Can we track what classes and events our people are attending? What if we started sending out emails to people suggesting up coming classes, small groups, or events that they might be interested in based on previous interest? This seems like such a simple idea to track what's important to every one of our people. If Amazon can do it for millions of people, can we do it for our congregation? I definitely think it's something to explore.