Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On Mission for God - Part 1

The mission of Charter Oak Church is to reach out to those who are searching, and to equip believers to be fully-devoted followers of Jesus.

What does it really mean to reach out to those who are searching? What does it mean to be searching? How does the every day, ordinary follower of Jesus actually do this?

I believe in building relationships with people. I am a people person. I enjoy being around people, as a matter of fact I get my energy from being around people, not from being alone. That makes me an extrovert. That's how God wired me up.

I don't think that handing out tracks or standing on a street corner yelling at people to "turn or burn" shows much fruit. But it is my experience that when people invest themselves in others through building a relationship with them, then God gives opportunities for spiritual conversations. It may happen quickly or it may take years. That's why it is about the relationship and not "getting them saved." God has His responsibility in this process and we have our responsibility. When we try to do God's job, we will fail. We must be obedient to fulfilling our call as followers of Jesus to love others.

I believe people who are searching are those who for whatever reason have stepped away from a relationship with God. God has created in every person a desire to be in relationship with Him. Those who aren't are searching. They may not know what it is or who it is they are searching for, but none the less, they are searching. It is for these people that we have been placed in this location.

That is the first part of being on Mission for God at Charter Oak Church.