Thursday, February 28, 2008
Worship and Sunday School Stats
Feb 2/3 (Chris preached - 30 Days to Live Series)
690 in worship (4.4% increase from 2007)
286 in Sunday school (1.1% increase from 2007)
Feb 9/10 (Dave preached - Desperate Households Series)
696 in worship (14.7% increase from 2007)
267 in Sunday school (4.3% decrease from 2007)
Feb 16/17 (Dave preached - Desperate Households Series)
683 in worship (21.1% increase from 2007)
298 in Sunday school (16.9% increase from 2007)
Feb 23/24 (Dave preached - Desperate Households Series)
750 in worship (18.9% increase from 2007)
250 in Sunday school (45.3% increase from 2007)
Book #5 - Going All the Way

More than Enough

This week I have been spending a ton of time and energy getting ready for the launch of our next capital campaign. This weekend we are going to introduce the leadership team to the congregation. I know people will be asking a lot of tough questions about money. They will turn on the television and listen to the media talk about a recession. They will look at their expenses and their debt. The evil one will seek to confuse and will try to deceive.
I am here to tell you this will be a watershed season for the people of Charter Oak Church. Without a doubt this capital campaign will be unlocking the future for us in so many ways. I believe people are going to trust God, many for the first time, with everything that they have. I believe people will give sacrificially because they are putting their faith in the providence of God and not in their possessions. I believe this campaign will grow our faith more than anything else we have ever done. Without God, we will fail. I believe with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
We're Back

We are back from our mission trip to Jamaica. For the last week our family has been serving in Harmons, Jamaica. We helped to build two houses and two foundations for the next team to build upon. We built great relationships with some people who need to know the love and grace of Jesus.
It seems strange to me to say that our family went on a mission trip. It says that our every day living here in this region isn't missional when the reality is, we are always on mission - in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. Why does it seem so much more important to say I have been on a mission trip? Yes, I was in my Samaria, but that isn't the only place Jesus calls his disciples to be on mission. We are to be on mission here in the region around Charter Oak Church.
If you are reading this and you are a part of the Charter Oak Church family then you are on mission right where God has you. If you are a student, it is in school. If you work outside the home, it is at your job. If you work inside your home, it is your home. For all of us, it is our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Remember, your life is very short, a breath, a mist, then it's gone. Do what God wants you to do and say what God wants you to say. You are on mission wherever you are.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Missional Work

Friday, February 8, 2008
Book #4 - Confessions of a Pastor

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Worship and Sunday School Stats
January 5/6 (I preached)
641 in worship (.8% decrease from 2007)
257 in Sunday school (7.5% decrease from 2007)
January 12/13 (I preached)
744 in worship (.7% increase from 2007)
279 in Sunday school (11.8% decrease from 2007)
January 19/20 (I preached)
687 in worship (.6% decrease from 2007)
260 in Sunday school (13.1% decrease from 2007)
January 26/27 (I preached)
685 in worship (39.6% decrease - Children's musical in 2007)
283 in Sunday school (17.4% increase from 2007)