Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book #10 - Breaking the Missional Code

I first heard Ed Stetzer speak at the Innovate conference held annually at Thomas Road Baptist Church last year. It is being held this year on May 18-19. While I was there I purchased his book Breaking the Missional Code: Your Church Can Become a Missionary in Your Community.
A change needs to occur in the church today. We have moved away from the original design and responsibility of the local church as set forth in the New Testament. But as Stetzer puts it, "it has been our experience that many are simply not ready or wiling to pay the price, at least not to the extent that it needs to be paid" to be a missional presence in our communities. We must be willing to commit to being the incarnational Body of Christ in today's world.
If that makes your heart beat fast and if you want to learn what that looks like in other places and how it can happen in your community, then I recommend you reading this book.