On Easter I completed P90x!
I didn't take a before picture and I am vain enough that I didn't take an after picture either. The picture to the right is Tony, he is the one who beat my body for the last 90 days. I don't look like him. LOL! But I did lose 12 pounds and two inches on my waist. I have more energy, more strength, and I can run a couple of miles without having a heart attack.
This morning I read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I think we need a biblical understanding of how we look at our bodies - in a healthy way. My response to what I believe God expects of me in honoring Him with my body is to be in better shape - exercise, eat healthy food, and get the rest I need. Doing P90x was my way to jump start that process.
One of the things I was reminded about through my 90 days is the power of community. I typically got up at 5:30 in the morning to work out for the 60-90 minutes it takes to do P90x. There were plenty of mornings that I didn't want to get up and do it, but I knew that my friends at church and on Facebook would ask me about it. It was great accountability. I didn't want to say that I bagged it that morning. And you know what, when I didn't post that I did my workout, someone would ask me. That was huge.
It's the same way with our journey to be more like Jesus. There are days that it is just plain tough. I believe that is why God gave us a church family and people who care about us and love us. We are not to do life alone. We are a community of believers. We are to encourage one another and love each other. We need each other.
So what's next for me? I am going for a long run tonight and continuing to eat healthy. Many of you have asked what I ate to celebrate. I had a calazone, a half a piece of Oreo cookie pie, and a bowl of ice cream. It tasted very good, but to be honest, I was sick to my stomach. My body now likes to eat healthy, it craves it. I want that for all aspects of my life that I can honor God.