Monday, December 4, 2006

No Heat

Thanks to the storms that ripped through the area on Friday we don't have any heat in the office wing this morning. Do you know how cold it is outside? Well, there is some difference in the office wing, but it doesn't seem like very much. So I am in Common Ground (our connecting space) catching up on some reading.

I just finished my series called Deal or No Deal: Making Decisions that Honor God. Because this weekend was the beginning of Advent, we celebrated the Lord's Supper together. I don't know if it is my Catholic background, but having Communion at each of our worship gatherings does something deep within me. I always feel like I have laid it all out there and made myself completely vulnerable to God. This weekend was especially powerful for me because I was speaking on giving in such a way that we have to completely trust God.

I am amazed at the human psyche, maybe I should write that I am befuddled by my psyche. As I posted before I was really wrestling with God about what to say to our congregation about our proper response to God when it comes to our income. I will admit that I want to speak the truth of God into the hearts of our people, but I want everyone to really like it.

After each worship service I had a number of people say very encouraging things to me about my message. Then, when I got home Sunday afternoon, my son blew me away. He said, "Dad, your sermon touched my heart today. Next week I am going to give God all of my money." Sometimes God just works in such profound ways that warms a daddy's heart like nothing else. It was awesome! My psyche was flying high and mighty. Then a few hours later I received an email that in essence said, "You blew it today." The rest of the day and through the night that email has haunted me. I don't know why. It even consumed much of my prayer time this morning as I tried to listen to God. What am I supposed to take away from this weekend?


Anonymous said...

Just remember we preach for the gospel not for people's deep appreciation, even though it is great to be appreciated. One of the least meaningful events after worship is the "that a boy" line as we shake hands. If our message doesn't challenge but only creates a "that a boy" what good was it. If you were true to God's word, that is all that matters. Look at the prophets, your in great company!

Chris Whitehead said...

For a while I didn't stand at the door to shake people's hands after worship because it frustrated me that people would give me he "that a boy" line. It frustrated me because I always wanted to ask what one line or part of the message that caused them to say that. And on the other hand, as I saw people ducking out the other door, I wanted to stop and ask them what it was that they didn't neceaarily agree with or what was boring, or whatever.

I started greeting at the door again because I love our people and I want to enter into their lives as often as I can. I can do that most effectively at the door after worship. I gave up on listening to the "that a boy" comments.