Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday Morning QB 07/31/06

Here's the Monday Morning QB for this week:

Message: When the Storms of Life Are Raging (Dave preached)

Scripture: Psalm 107:23-32

Service Highlights: Pastor Dave shared with the congregation the things we need to know when the storms of life hit: 1) Storms happen to everyone, 2) The pain doesn't last forever, 3) Sometimes God seems to be silent. Then he gave us three simple things to do: 1) Cry out to God, 2)Let God guide you, 3) Remember to remember God's faithfulness. All very good stuff.

Stats: 427 in worship + 110 in Sunday school

Other: This was by far the lowest attendance of the year. I'm not sure why. I know many people are on vacation, but not everyone. Summer was never meant to be a vacation from worship.


Anonymous said...

Amen Chris. Here is a devotional from my book on the same subject.


“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 20b

As I write this, the weather is quite warm. We have skipped spring once again and headed straight to summer. That doesn’t bother me because I like warm weather. In fact, people look at me strange when I say I like to vacation in Florida in the summer.

There is something about warm weather that leads many of us to think about vacations. For most places in the United States, it is when school is out and vacation time is taken. It is also a time when most of our churches reduce our ministry programs, cut back our worship services and expect people to be gone. It even seems to be a time when we expect less of people involved in church.

All of this warm weather led me to think about how God does not take vacations. In the passage above, Jesus doesn’t qualify it by saying I will be with you from September to May. Instead, he says I will be with you always. So how is it that we have decided that being involved in ministry, worship and the life of the church is somehow less important in the summer?

Now mind you, I am not against vacations. I really enjoy them. In fact, I think we all need the time to get away, renew and recharge. However, that really doesn’t require us shutting everything at church down during the summer.

The reason I raise this issue is for all of us to contemplate how we are in continuous ministry with our young people during the summer. While they have more time and fewer activities, we should look at enhancing our relationship with them and them with the church. It seems to be a key time for the nurturing of disciples, along with a vacation here and there.