Last week I attended the Leadership Summit with a good friend and partner in ministry. Together we grew in our ability to lead well. Here is just a few things that I wrote down that were very important to me. Out of all of the Leadership Summits that I have attended this ranks very close to the top, if not at the top. Here are some notes...
Session #1 - Bill Hybels: The High Drama of Decision Making
How to make a decision...
1. Does the Bible say anything on this?
2. What would smart advisers say?
3. Look at pain of past decisions, gain of good decisions, & experience of past
4. Is the Holy Spirit prompting me?
Session #2 - Gary Haugen: Just Courage - Charging the Darkness
How are people to believe that God is good? The church is God's plan to make God's goodness evident to the world.
If you want your leadership to matter then lead in areas that are important to God.
Session #3: Bill George: Finding Your True North
We have been in a leadership crisis for the last 10 years.
What are you doing to lead and to develop your gifts?
21st century leaders...
Align people around the mission and vision of the organization
Empower people to lead
Serve others
Collaboration of people and organization
Session #4: Wendy Kopp: Stand Up and Lead
All great leaders have something that burns within them
Why are pastors afraid to ask big time? to sacrifice? to set the bar high?
Session #5: John Burke: Leading in New Cultural Realities
Broken relationships between God and each other prevents community
Tend the soil God gives you
Session #6: Efrem Smith: Leading in New Cultural Realities
God wants to love the world thru us, if you can't love across race you can't lead today
Race labels are not where we are
Session #7: Craig Groeschel: IT: How Leaders Can Get IT and Keep IT
4 Qualities
1. Laser focus
2. See opportunities when others see obstacles
3. Willing to fail
4. You need to have IT for your ministry to get IT
Session #8: Chuck Colson: Defending the Faith
We have transferred our allegiance from truth to therapy
We must contend for the faith
Lead, don't pander
Session #9: Catherine Rohr: Risk Taking, Barrier Breaking, Bold Leadership
Prayer - "Bring it on God, bring it on!"
Execute in obedience to God
Session #10: Brad Anderson: An Uncompromising Focus on People
It take a leader who really cares to bring employment engagement
Session #11: Bill Hybels: Relentless
God searches for those who are fully committed to Him.
If you were God, would you go after you to lead the church?
I want more of God than a bigger church.