Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Deal or No Deal - Last Night

As we are in the middle of this series called Deal or No Deal: Making Decisions that Honor God, I watched the lastest episode of the game show last night. I laughed so hard. The guy that was on it was one of the best I have ever seen. He was doing so well at the beginning, but as the show went on, he started to spiral downward quickly. He left the show with $10. The highest amount offered to "buy him out" was over $200,000. Wow!

This weekend I will be finishing the series with a look at Income - Making Decisions that Honor God. I have been praying and wrestling about how to present this year's message of asking people to pledge for next year's ministry.

At first I thought about just laying it all on the line and do a very deep, spiritually mature message. Then I began to realize that we have grown so much over the last year. There are a ton of new Christians here. There are people who are coming in our doors for the very first time. How do I balance this? I know there are people who are ready to be challenged to give beyond ten percent. I also know there are people who don't give anything.

If you have a few moments would you please pray for me? Ask God to give me the discernment and the wisdom that I will need to hear from Him. I want to speak His truth in love in such an authentic way when it comes to our income. I don't want to be a hurdle in people's lives as they seek to be more like Jesus.


Brett Probert said...

Consider yourself prayed for. We at Cornerstone are in the same place. I speak often of tithing...not necessarily preaching on it as often as I mention it in my emails, during our offering time, and the like. Speak boldly my friend. And speak the truth in love. May Jesus guide your every word and may the Holy Spirit bless every heart with the right understanding!

Chris Whitehead said...


Thank you. I covet your prayers. I am so excited about what is happening at Cornerstone. I know you are the one God has called to lead that congregation in a faithful and obedient direction. Give them Jesus!